Smart work vs hard work

Peaceful Minds
3 min readOct 26, 2021




The main difference between hardwork and smartwork is based on the strategy or the planning to do a work. Hardwork simply means doing a work with your complete effort whereas Smart means doing a work effort lessly and getting the perfect outcomes. Remember, It is not true that when you are putting your full efforts to do a work, then only you will great outcomes, these can also be achieved doing a work effortlessly or in a simple way and here you need smartwork.

Many people think that in the world nothing can be done without hardwork, hardwork is the only way to achieve success but actually they are wrong anything can be achieved in a simple way as well. Infact we can get more effective results by smart work.

The people who think that hardwork is all the thing, actually in their life most of the problems are because of hardwork as hardwork means solving all problems of your life one by one by putting your more effort whereas smart work means solving all the problems of your life in a easier way, by putting less effort. Problems in life are unlimited, life is full of problems and smartwork is all about to understand these problems and to solve them effectively.


Hardwork is a way where thousands of people of people are running, finding their way to success, competing with each other, pushing downwards to each other whereas smartwork is a way which is known by only few people and only few people decides to work on it. For doing hardwork you need external motivation, persistence and dedication whereas for doing smartwork nothing is needed because then you are not doing the work, you are enjoying it.

Hard work is done by applying your full potential on a work whereas smartwork is a way to do all these simply as well as effectively. So for doing smart work, you must be some lazy. Now laziness is not bad until it is at a level. Infact nothing in the world is bad, if used through a correct way. Many people think that hardwork is done after smartwork for e.x.- You first need to do smartwork for choosing your career and then you need to do hardwork in that field but the reality is where there is a smartwork, there is no hardwork.

Now Smartwork is good that doesn’t means hardwork is not as much effective and better. Yes it is also perfect and effective but for those people who actually needs to do hardwork, who actually requires it, not for all. Smart work is all about achieving maximum results by putting minimum efforts.

With this, I am ending the article hoping that this will help you.



Peaceful Minds

Have complete experience and psychological training about how one can attain inner peace.